Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Horses of Blake-Cliff Stables

First, I must apologize for taking soooo long to post! I'm suffering from a bad malady though! Maybe you've heard of's called Spring Fever. The symptoms of Spring Fever are (but not limited to), going outside even though you have other more important things you should be doing. Gross neglect of other responsibilities such as laundry, dusting, vacuuming, cooking, etc.
And work. I've been neglecting that too. You see my office looks out over my beautiful back yard and well, it just calls to me. The only way I can get ANY work done is to close the blinds completely so I can't see out or, well, pray for rain. So, that's my excuse. Are you buying it???

I did want to share some more of the fabulous pictures I took at Blake-Cliff Stables! As I said before, they too, house and raise Paso Fino horses. However, whereas Rancho El Destino has stallions and mares, Blake-Cliff has geldings and mares. They are a little calmer and ... more my speed. haha! Every bit as beautiful though!! Here's Jaimie on one of their beauties.

Leonor's bribing this one with just a little treat. We were hoping for a big cheesy horse smile, but no such luck. He just wanted to nibble.

Look at these lovely eyelashes! I'm jealous!

I just love it when they pose so nicely. I wish my human subjects were this easy!

I just love their eyes.... so soulful. And their noses ... so soft. And their ears ... always moving and listening .....

So pretty.

I loved it when they opened the stall windows and they all popped their heads out. I think they were all hoping for a little treat!

My daughter was off of school that day and went with me. She was quite taken with this little one. It was tooooo sweet!

I had to laugh, because the stallions of Rancho El Destino sometimes require a few minutes to wear off a little of their "energy" before they're ready to stand still and pose nicely. Blake-Cliff Stables geldings come right out of the stall and just strike a pose! It was amazing! There was really only one or two who took any real coaxing from us. Made my work super easy!

I loved these silhouette shots. They speak to me.

Leonor said this guy is usually pretty shy, but not on this day. He was just popping that head out and posing for all sorts of pictures!

This one is a real looker! Love his color!

I can't wait till May 24th when I will be returning to Blake-Cliff stables to photograph their trail ride! I'm sure it will be a busy and eventful day with lots of photo ops! Can't wait!

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